Tuesday, May 23

DAY SEVEN: I spent the morning feeling hungry and running to the bathroom as much as I could, I forgot to bring my ingredients for the lemonade, and I took the laxative tea instead of the salt water flush. I came home tired and drained, but I felt better as soon as I began drinking the lemonade. I still settled in for a nap, that went longer than I wanted, but I hadn't really slept long for the last three nights.

So I spent most of the day not feeling very well, which is why I didn't write this up sooner. After my nap, I wanted to go to Whole Foods to buy a different version of the "Smooth Move" tea, preferably without cinnamon bark included. I also thought it would be nice to get some groceries for Eric, who was due home from Albany, NY. We were pretty low on food in the fridge, so I thought it would especially nice, since we wouldn't be going out to dinner together. I shopped and shopped, and bought all sorts of things I would have loved to eat, and completely forgot about the tea. But at least Eric had a nice fat steak and green beans to eat for dinner.

Watching him eat the meat was really gross. I don't think I will eat meat anymore after the cleanse. He likes his meat rare, and he eats all of it, even the fat on the ends, and watching his mouth chewing away did not make me want to eat. I was eyeing his green beans, but kept my distance.

Also, felt very chilled all afternoon, as if no matter how warm it was to everyone else, I was freezing. I wonder if that has something to do with the cleanse.


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