Friday, May 19

DAY FOUR: I am amazed that I've made it this long without actually eating anything. I've been cheating a little bit and chewing gum, but otherwise, not a single morsel of food has passed my lips. I woke up this morning feeling tired and achey, but noticed the flab on my arms is a little less flabby. I feel lighter, of course, but the scale says eight pounds lighter and I can't really tell other than the flabby arms.

Doritos are everywhere. They are the devil's handiwork.

The lemonade has morphed into something completely delicious, a blended shake. Marilyn came up with the idea while we were driving and the second we came home, she made it and it was amazingly good.

Today was a little easier for both of us, though we're not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. We went for a walk this morning, then had our saltwater and non alcoholic Cleanse-a-rita. Or Master-rita. We are afraid to take the saltwater tomorrow morning while on the plane home, but apparently the laxative tea has longer lasting effects...

In the afternoon, we went to Marilyn's Dad's former house with a pool and hung out for a couple of hours. Then it was off to shop with Marilyn's step mother for their new house's bathroom. It was fun. We came home late though and had to go straight to packing. Our flight leaves at seven a.m. tomorrow morning.

I keep making plans with people for dinner for when I get back and forget that I've promised to do the cleanse the way it's designed to be done for fourteen days. holy crap.

I keep seeing food and want to consume it. I realize that I have a total consumption thing about food. I eat when I'm hungry, when I'm not, when I'm upset, you name it, I've done it. I hope at the end of this I'll be more choosy about what I put in my mouth and I keep it up for a while.

But I must have one bag of Doritos. a small one.

This evening my energy was up, but I'm not sure if it's because I knew I needed to get the packing done, or the second I had the lemonade, my energy returned. Weird.

In the end, it was a great trip, pretty relaxing, and I got a lot of new clothes thanks to Marilyn's shopping savvy, and it's surprising that it's already over.

til tomorrow,


At 5/20/2006 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure you're home by now, so you can tell me all about the horrors of airplane bathrooms.

Anyway, if you're actually doing this for 14 days, maybe it would help to alter the structure of your lemonade like you did with the blended drink (assuming that is allowed under this cleansing dealy). Maybe make ice cubes out of it and chew them, or use those popsicle making sets with the plastic handles. You could also use the juice ice cubes and make a frozen drink. Blending/whipping it would trap more air in the beverage and make you feel "more full".

Also, sniffing mint is supposed to supress one's appetite. Actually, smelling most food for a prolonged amount of time does. I know it seems counter-intuitive, but smell is such a big part of taste and eating that you can actually trick your brain into thinking you've eaten by smelling food for awhile. I actually often forget to eat during the day if I've been baking because I'm not hungry... and that's not just because I've spent all day licking spoons and bowls. :)

At 5/20/2006 11:17 PM, Blogger stine said...

thanks beth. you're the best!

I am allowed to drink mint tea, I wonder if that's the reason...

and I love the popsicle idea!


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