dork fest
i know this is terribly dorky, but I am so excited about my first class tomorrow.
I am looking forward to the reading list for the semester. I am looking forward to seeing my teacher, who taught me about three years ago. I am looking forward to seeing all the people in my department and feeling the energy there.
I am also looking forward to the writing I will do while in this class. this teacher in particular loves my journal writing and hoped I could fuse my voice into my fiction and I want to know if I've gotten any closer or if she can steer me any closer.
my head is just a swirl of hopes and intentions and thoughts about tomorrow.
i'm sure beth will understand.
Hah. Going back to school is always awesome!
Even if the lecture style is a bit different than what you're used to, and you feel a bit rusty and dull around the eduges and you have to carry a map around campus so you know which direction you should walk in.
That being said, taking one year off and knowing what it's like to go back makes taking longer off and going back that much more impressive.
six years. can you imagine it?
and I'm gung ho'ed about grad school as well.
you with a map...! tee hee.
Derek Zoolander: You think that you're too cool for school, but I have a newsflash for you Walter Cronkite... you aren't.
When can I see you again
When can my heart beat again
When can I see you again
When can I breathe once again
And when can I see you
When does my "someday" begin
When I'll find someone again
And what if I still am not truly over
What am I supposed to do then, babe...
Do you see what I'm saying
Even if, if it's not making sense
So when can I see you
Yeah, baby
Do you see what I'm saying
Even if, if it's not making sense, baby
So when can I see you again
disregard the last two comments.
they were in jest. jest is bad.
jest is insensitive.
you go dark way too quickly.
dark light... gray...
it's all the same...
like ghosts...
ghosts are scary...
or ghosts are welcome dead relatives or ghosts don't exist... or ghosts exist on some
tier of string theory or
space ghost... he's funny.
i forgot what my point was.
oh yeah... if casper can blush... can he know...other...blood...related...functions.
i bet the most important one he wishes he could do is sleep. dream. wonder why he's letting a girl slip her arm about him when normally he can't fathom it. all things lying down, for instance. maybe he's not as warm as you.
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